Monday, 14 March 2011

Beat Hazard

I was reading up on my fellow followers blogs. When i read about a certain game my fellow follower was reviewing. This game was Beat Hazard. Now i must say at first glance i thought this game was just a knock off of Geometry Wars.  But no this game is awesomely unique in its own way. The game being a hybrid of geometry wars, any space shooter type game, and asteroids. The catch being. It's flashy and confusing as hell while playing making you really need to focus. But....

The whole game is played and dependent on what music. Music?! you say.Yes music. When you start up the game. The game will ask for a song track. Now a song track can be any music file on your computer or that of one already in game. Once you have selected a song. You can now play that song level. Each song level will be different of course. Now while your playing the game depending on the song. You will be armed with awesome weapons straight from the start or weak guns that leave you vulnerable, depending on how fast the tempo of the song and beat is. Other important things to take note of is the game is scored.

Whilst playing the game you will notice floating circles that you can assume are important to run over. So far upon my run through of the game. I have noticed 3 pick ups. a red on that says pow is to upgrade your weapons to something more powerful. A yellow one that says vol, is to increase the volume of your song(amplifies it). A green one increase your multiplier.Now the object is to kill as much things as possible. Get a great score, and survive the duration of your song. Which is not always easy to do. 

After each game over or survival. The above image is shown with how far you progressed on your song, and the amount of points you got on it. Now this review and explanation was done horribly for this game. But if you looked at the pictures and thought it was good enough for your next acid trip. You can buy the game off, well anything on Google. If you feel like not paying well I'm sure you know what to do. Anyhow it's a great game and everyone should try it out. EDIT: This game is available for PC, and XBLA.


  1. Is this on the psn or is this an xbla title?

  2. I might get this on XBLA.

  3. Wow that's badass! I like that integration with the music.

  4. Very addictive game, almost too addictive...

  5. nooooo way haha thats so cool i wanna try it out! link?

  6. hey man nice review! great to get a different perspective on things eh?

    also @ Nico De;
    it's not a free game, sadly. But you can buy it on steam for $10

  7. May or may not give it a try.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Awesomesauce

  10. very cool concept! i love music :)

  11. this reminds me of audiosurf, but more badass
