Friday, 11 March 2011

Calculus Midterm

On March 4th, I wrote a calculus midterm. This midterm was in my terms the only way i was going to pass the class, and take the stress off of what i needed to get on the final exam to pass. Now lets go back another week.I found myself  frantically studying derivatives and integrals and other crazy things i am sure i will never fully comprehend. Knowing damn well at the time that i will most likely fail this midterm and doom my success at being a Jedi knight...The pressure was really on for passing this midterm. But not only passing this midterm, but to achieve at least a 70% on it to make life way easier in the calculus department. Sitting already at 50% coming out of the first semester of calculus, now looking back at how easy it was. The pressure was really on.

I had to sacrifice doing anything social, even playing video games. Even studying for another midterm that was conveniently on the same date.  Thank you math department. All in all i fought hard past the dangerous derivative and illusive integrals to find myself, in a dark place known as RB 2003. Now furiously spewing out as much information as possible onto a calculus midterm. All in all i found myself actually being able to remember how to do the questions. Maybe studying actually pays off (P.S Never really studied before). I felt like i got at least a 70% on this midterm when i went to hand it in. So i know leave the RB 2003, and rejoice out in the hallways as i compare my answers with fellow peers and students. To find out that majority of my answers don't match up with theirs. I now begin to doubt myself and my ability to write math tests. As these people were doing great in the course and knew how to do the material as soon as they looked at it.

I know felt like all my studying was wasted, and that i would be doomed to not be taught the ways of Yoda.

 Until today when i finally got the results. 73%!. Everything went according to plan. I will now most likely pass Calculus. Moral to story for anyone who actually read the whole wall of text. Study hard and never give up. Even if the things you are doing makes no sense. Just keep at it and eventually you will reach your goal.


  1. true story! calculus is rough, but in the end, you really just need to tough it out

  2. oi i was so happy when i was through with calc. then i found out i had to take financial accounting. this course isnt easy at any U

  3. Good job on your class, just hang in there until the end of the semester!

  4. for some reason my videogame programing major requires absolutely no math courses..... for that im grateful, i cant do math pass algebra 2 for the life of me.

  5. LOL, love the jpg. Only needed to get up to precal and for that im eternally happy.

  6. I can relate to that picture all too much..

  7. Calculus. Even thinking about it makes me depressed

  8. I need to take this class next year... Thanks for the insight
