Wednesday, 16 March 2011

My Minecraft Pyramid

Now i have accomplished all kinds of huge structures that for some reason i have not posted or shown to anyone. But at the moment i am currently constructing a massive pyramid that reaches the sky boundary. Now at the moment i have the pyramid built all the way to the sky limit. But as far as the inside goes. This is where i get all hot, sweaty, and excited. I will keep you updated when i am done building the inside full of rooms and traps. Like any good Egyptian movie like the mummy. A pyramid just isn't a pyramid without traps and treasures.

Screen shot of my pyramid(made with the help of flying mods)


  1. I haven't played Minecraft, but it looks like that pyramid took forever to make!

  2. Wow, I thought my structures were decent, but this just blows mine out of the water.

  3. This is enormous. I love minecraft, been watching all these Let's Play's on youtube :p. It's so addicting!

  4. Holy shit dude!

  5. dude sick id love to do that
